These days, to serve the backbone corporate needs for more than 100,000 employees globally...
There were a multitude of reasons for Fraport AG, the operating company of Germany’s...
On the cutting edge: Celebrating 30 years of technological innovation and leadership at Thoughtworks

On the cutting edge: Celebrating 30 years of technological innovation and leadership at Thoughtworks
This May, Thoughtworks is proud to celebrate 30 years of helping their clients across...
The former NBCUniversal exec will reportedly take over the company in about six weeks...
Mr. Musk said Ms. Yaccarino would focus on business operations and that he would...
With the rise of AI technology, there’s never been a better time to start...
Thursday 11 May, 2023 Lüdenscheid, – intec Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH, German innovation leader...
Nature Biotechnology, Published online: 11 May 2023; doi:10.1038/s41587-023-01772-1The challenge of simulating multiomic single-cell data...
Nature Biotechnology, Published online: 11 May 2023; doi:10.1038/s41587-023-01783-yPrime-editing mouse models enable the study of...
Nature Biotechnology, Published online: 11 May 2023; doi:10.1038/s41587-023-01782-zCell–cell communication pathways are dissected at the...